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Understand key information relating to clients for marketing communications (advertising)

Post Date: 16 - Aug - 2023

Unit 8:Identifying and Understanding Target Audiences for Marketing Communications (Advertising)

Unit code: D/504/3084 
QCF level: 4
Credit value: 5
Guided learning hours: 20

Unit aim

The aim of this unit is for learners to learn how to identify and understand target audiences to enable them to target their advertising campaigns effectively. The unit covers the whole process of audience identification through to presenting an analysis of research and findings.

Competency unit assessment guidance

This unit should be assessed predominantly in the workplace. Please see Annexe E. Observation, witness testimony, questioning, professional discussion, written and product evidence are all sources of evidence which can be used.

Unit introduction

  • Choosing and communicating to the most appropriate target audience for a client’s product or service is important for ensuring a successful advertising campaign which meets the client’s commercial aims by increasing sales within that audience. in this unit the learners will assess the client and their competitors’ current and potential advertising campaigns.
  • Learners will learn the importance of, and how to identify, the right target audience, how to understand that audience and metrics such as return on investment. The unit covers the use of tools that can be used to identify the right target audience and the benefit of focus groups for establishing consumer profiles. The advertising professional needs to be able to identify key characteristics of the target audience such as demographics, lifestyles and engagement with the client’s product. As such, learners will demonstrate their competence in these key areas.
  • Finally, learners will demonstrate their ability to analyse the behaviour and attitudes of audiences of clients in relation to advertising. This will include reasons for variations in demand, target audience behaviours, attitudes to advertising channels and the impact of advertising campaigns.

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria

>In order to pass this unit, the evidence that the learner presents for assessment needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria determine the standard required to achieve the unit.

On completion of this unit a learner should:


Assessment criteria

1    Understandkey informationrelating to clients for marketingcommunications (advertising)

1.1    Assess the extent of a client’scurrent marketingcommunications activities

1.2    Assess the viability of a client’scurrent processes forconsultation with audiences

1.3    Assess a client’s actualandpotential competitors’marketing communicationstrategies and plans

1.4    Identify theneeds andexpectations ofa client’sstakeholders and boardmembers

2    Understandkey issues relatingto identifying and understandingaudiences of clients formarketing communications(advertising)

2.1    Explaintheimportanceofidentifying parties with whom aclienthas to communicate

2.2    Summarise ways of identifyingparties with whom a client hasto communicate

2.3    Explain how to identify thepotential and actual lifetimevalue of different audiences

2.4    Explain how to calculate thereturn on investmentofcustomer acquisition

2.5    Identify tools that can be usedto gain the understanding ofaudiences

2.6    Explainthevalue of focusgroups for validating userprofiles



Assessment criteria

3    Be able to identify keycharacteristics of audiences ofclients formarketingcommunications (advertising)

3.1    Identify theneeds, expectationsand relationship requirementsof a client’s current andpotential audiences

3.2    Establish for different audiencetypes:

●   their demographics

●   their lifestyles

●   their engagement with a client’sproducts and services

4    Be able to analyse the behaviourand attitudes of audiences ofclients formarketingcommunications (advertising)

4.1    Summarise reasons forvariations in audience demandfor a client’s products andservices

4.2    Explainhow audiencebehaviour, attitude andbehavioural triggers are linkedto:

●   category of product and service

●   needs of brand

4.3    Establishaudience use,exposure and attitudestodifferent marketingcommunication channels andplatform

4.4    Summarise reasons fordifferences in audiencebehaviour and attitudesto aclient’s products and servicesand those of a client’scompetitors

4.5    Assess the impactof recentmarketing communicationsstrategies upon audienceengagement with products andservices

4.6    Present information aboutaudiences to others in wayswhich enables understanding oftheir characteristics andattitudes


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