Unit 24:
Develop and Extend Critical and Creative Thinking Skill
Unit code: K/601/6464
QCF level: 3
Credit value: 3
Guided learning hours: 18
Unit aim
The aim of this unit is for learners to develop an understanding of the range of techniques that can be used to support and encourage creative working individually and in teams.
Unit introduction
‘I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.’ — Pablo Picasso
The ability to think and work creatively is essential to a successful career in marketing. Even beyond the obvious creative roles, such as copywriters and graphic designers, there is a need to be able to see beyond your current horizons. Creativity can be applied to the solution of staffing issues, office management and client relations to name but a few areas.
Learning outcomes and assessment criteria
In order to pass this unit, the evidence that the learner presents for assessment needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria determine the standard required to achieve the unit.
On completion of this unit a learner should:
Assessment criteria
1 Understandthe definitions,concepts and history of creativethinking
1.1 Describe different creativethinking techniques and howthey work
1.2 Identify thetechniques thatcanbe usedforfilteringdiverseinformation
1.3 Describe how creative thinkinghas developed over time and itsimpacton society
1.4 Explain how creativity can applyin both creative andnon-creative contexts
1.5 Explain thepotential impact ofcreative thinking on individualsand businesses
2 Be able to use a rangeofcreative thinking techniques togenerate ideasand responses
2.1 Clarify information usingquestions asked from differentperspectives
2.2 Analyse a variety of informationsources
2.3 Interpret the central questions,issuesandchallenges fromgiven information
2.4 Critically compare pre-conceptions and assumptions todetermine actual constraints indefining a problem forresolution
2.5 Review andrevise barriers tocreative thinking fromindividualsand organisations
2.6 Analyse realities beyond thecurrent situation andtake riskswith ideas and thoughtprocesses
2.7 Investigatefamiliar sources ofinformation for new inspiration
2.8 Recordobservations,experiences, ideas andreflective thoughts tobroadenpersonal knowledge base
Assessment criteria
2.9 Demonstratean acceptance ofthe opportunity for revelationwhen least expected
2.10Identify connections andassociationsfrom things thatseem unconnected
2.11Identify, interrogateandchallenge assumptionsbehindexisting ideas
2.12Critically compare a range ofdifferent solutions and ideas
2.13Evaluateideasand situations innew ways to changeperspective
2.14Review andrevise ideaswithothers to identify how theymight be changed or improved
2.15Review andrevise own thoughtpatterns and ways ofrespondingto work and lifesituations