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Understand the dynamic and changing nature of business and the consideration of the future of organisations within the global business environment

Post Date: 20 - Dec - 2023

London School of CommerceIn association with the University of Suffolk

Assignment Brief


BABS Foundation



Module Title:

Context of Business


Oct 2018 and Feb 2019


Feb 2019 to April 2019

Module Leaders:

Guru Srinivasan and Chandranna Rayadurg

Assignment title:

Assignment-1, Individual Essay

Assignment-2, Individual Report


Assignment-1(Individual Essay): 30% of overall grade

Assignment-2(Individual Report): 70% of overall grade

Date given out:


Submission date:


Eligible for late submission (3 working days, with penalty)?


Method of submission:


Online only


Online and Paper copy

Special instructions for submission (if any):


Date for results and feedback:


Employability skills assessed:

  • Judgement and personal responsibility  and initiative in complex professional environments

Learning outcomes assessed:

  • As included under the assessment briefs


In the main body of your submission you must give credit to authors on whose research your work is based. Append to your submission a reference list that indicates the books, articles, etc. that you have read or quoted in order to complete this assignment (e.g. for books: surname of author and initials, year of publication, title of book, edition, publisher: place of publication).



Please include the following statement on the title page of the submitted assignment, followed by your name:    

I declare that this assignment is all my own work and that I have acknowledged all materials used from the published or unpublished works of other people. All references have been duly cited.

Assignment Mark (Assessment marks are subject to ratification at the Assessment Board. 

These comments and marks are to give feedback on module work and are for guidance only until they are confirmed. )

Late Submission Penalties (X if appropriate)


Capped at 40%


Up 72 hours late


Over 72 hours late





Assignment brief:

In the changing, dynamic and modern world, the way businesses were carried out many years ago, are drastically changing today. Due to availability and advancement of technology, it has become much easier to do business globally.

However, as a business professional, you cannot ignore ethics in business and must adhere to corporate social responsibility in a global business environment.

  • Identify and discuss micro and macro environmental factors that in your view, changed nature of modern business in the global environment. 
  • Discuss the reasons why you think it important that individuals and organisations to manage responsibly, sustainably and behave ethically in relation to social, cultural, economic and environmental issues.

This assessment addresses

LO1: Understand the dynamic and changing nature of business and the consideration of the future of organisations within the global business environment

LO2: Identify the need for individuals and organisations to manage responsibly and sustainably and behave ethically in relation to social, cultural, economic and environmental issues

Length Required

1000 words.


Please note the following when completing your written assignment:

  1. Writing: Written in English in an appropriate business/academic style
  2. Focus: Focus only on the tasks set in the assignment.
  3. Length:Maximum 1000 words [+/- 10%]
  4. Document format:Individual Essay
  5. Ensure a clear title, course, and Student ID number is on a cover sheet and a citations and reference listusing Harvard Referencing Style throughout is also provided.

Research: Research should use reliable and relevant sources of information e.g. academic books and journals that have been peer reviewed.  You are expected to have at least FIVE different sources referenced.


Select a firm from the retail sector in the UK for your research. You are required to researchthe leadership style, management practices and the various strategies undertaken by that firm (Be sure to look at both their domestic and as well as international reputation). Based on your research, write a report answering the following questions.

  1. A brief history and summary of the business you have selected and the rationale for your choice (20% of your work).
  2. According to your research, discuss their vision, leadership style and management practices and the variousstrategies making use of various theories you have studied as evidence. (Be sure to providereferences within text for material used) (30% of your work)
  3. Analyse how the above have been achieved or implemented by your selected company with specific examples. (30% of your work)
  4. What could be your recommendations as an improvement (the proposed leadership styles, management practices and the various strategies that can be undertaken by this firm based on research done)to your company (20%)

This assessment addresses

LO3: Discuss leadership, management and development of people 

LO4: Discuss the development of appropriate policies and strategies within a changing environment to meet stakeholder interests

LO5: Discuss the design and development of organisations.

Length Required

2000 words. 

Formatting and Report

Please note the following when completing your written assignment:

  1. Writing: Written in English in an appropriate business/academic style
  2. Focus: Focus only on the tasks set in the assignment.
  3. Length: 2000words [+/- 10%]
  4. Document format:  Individual Report
  5. Ensure a clear title, course, and Student ID number is on a cover sheet and a citations and reference list using Harvard Referencing Style throughout is also provided.

Research: Research should use reliable and relevant sources of information e.g. academic books and journals that have been peer reviewed.  You are expected to have at least FIVE different sources referenced.



An outstanding Distinction

90 - 100

Work which fulfils all the criteria of the grade below, but at an exceptional standard.

A very strong distinction

80 - 89

Work of distinguished quality which is based on a rigorous and broad knowledge base, and demonstrating sustained ability to analyse, synthesise, evaluate and interpret concepts, principles and data within field of study, using defined principles, techniques and/or standard formats and applications.  This will form the basis for the development of sound arguments and judgements appropriate to the field of study/ assessment task.  There will be strong evidence of competence across a range of specialised skills, using them to plan, develop and evaluate problem solving strategies, and of the capability to operate autonomously and self-evaluate with guidance in varied structured contexts. Outputs will be communicated effectively, accurately and reliably.

A clear Distinction

71 - 79

Work of very good quality which displays most but not all of the criteria for the grade above.

A Distinction


Work of highly commendable quality which clearly fulfils the criteria for the grade below, but shows a greater degree of capability in relevant intellectual/subject/key skills.

A very strong Merit

67 - 69

Work of commendable quality based on a strong factual/conceptual knowledge base for the field of study, including an assured grasp of concepts and principles, together with effective deployment of skills relevant to the discipline and assessment task.  There will be clear evidence of analysis, synthesis, evaluation and application, and the ability to work effectively within defined guidelines to meet defined objectives.  There will be consistent evidence of capability in all relevant subject based and key skills, including the ability to self-evaluate and work autonomously under guidance and to use effectively specified standard techniques in appropriate contexts.

A strong merit

64 - 66

Work of good quality which contains most, but not all of the characteristics of the grade above.

A clear Merit

61 - 63

Work which clearly fulfils all the criteria of the grade below, but shows a greater degree of capability in relevant intellectual/subject/key skills.



Work of sound quality based on a firm factual/ conceptual knowledge base for the field of study, demonstrating a good grasp of relevant principles/concepts, together with the ability to organise and communicate effectively.  The work may be rather standard, but will be mostly accurate and provide some evidence of the ability to analyse, synthesise, evaluate and apply standard methods/techniques, under guidance. There will be no serious omissions or inaccuracies.  There will be good evidence of ability to take responsibility for own learning, to operate with limited autonomy in predictable defined contexts, selecting and using relevant techniques, and to demonstrate competence in relevant key skills.

A very strong Pass

55 - 59

Work of capable quality which contains some of the characteristics of grade above.

A strong Pass

50 - 54

Work of satisfactory quality demonstrating a reliable knowledge base and evidence of developed key skills and/or subject based skills, but containing limited evidence of analysis, synthesis, evaluation or application.

A Pass

41 - 49

Work of broadly satisfactory quality covering adequately the factual and/or conceptual knowledge base of the field of study and appropriately presented and organised, but is primarily descriptive or derivative, with only occasional evidence of analysis, synthesis, evaluation or application.  There may be some misunderstanding of key concepts/principles and limitations in the ability to select relevant material or techniques and/or in communication or other relevant skills, so that the work may include some errors, omissions or irrelevancies.  There will be evidence of ability to operate with limited autonomy in predictable defined contexts, using standard techniques, and to meet threshold standards in relevant key skills.

A bare Pass


Work of bare pass standard demonstrating some familiarity with and grasp of a factual/conceptual knowledge base for the field of study, together with evidence of some ability to employ specialist skills to solve problems within area of study, but only just meeting threshold standards in e.g. evaluation and interpretation of data and information, reasoning and soundness of judgment, communication, application, or quality of outputs. Work may be characterised by some significant errors, omissions or problems, but there will be sufficient evidence of development and competence to operate in specified contexts taking responsibility for the nature and quality of outputs.

A marginal Fail

30 - 39

Work which indicates some evidence of engagement with area of study in relation to acquisition of knowledge and understanding of concepts and principles, and of specialist skills, but which is essentially misinterpreted, and misapplied and/or contains some significant omission or misunderstanding, or otherwise just fails to meet threshold standards in e.g. communication, application or quality of outputs.

A Fail

20 - 29

Work that falls well short of the threshold standards in relation to one or more area of knowledge, intellectual, subject based or key skills. It may address the assessment task to some extent, or include evidence of successful engagement with some of the subject matter, but such satisfactory characteristics will be clearly outweighed by major deficiencies across remaining areas.

A comprehensive Fail

0 - 19

Work of poor quality which is based on only minimal understanding, application or effort. It will offer only very limited evidence of familiarity with knowledge or skills appropriate to the field of study or task and/or demonstrate inadequate capability in key skills essential to the task concerned.

Non-submission/Nil attempt


Nothing, or nothing of merit, presented.



Assessment Criteria:










Assessment Criteria








Research-informed Literature.

Extent of research and/or own reading, selection of credible sources, application of appropriatereferencing conventions.

Little or no evidence of reading.


Poor evidence of reading and/or of reliance on inappropriate sources, and/or indiscriminate use of sources.

Referencing conventions used inconsistently.

References to a limited range of mostly relevant sources. Some omissions and minor errors.

Referencing conventions evident though not always applied consistently.

Inclusion of a range of research-informed literature, including sources retrieved independently.

 Referencing conventions mostly consistently applied.

Inclusion of a wide range of research-informed literature, including sources retrieved independently.

Selection of relevant and credible sources.  Very good use of referencing conventions, consistently applied.

A comprehensive range of research informed literature embedded in the work.

Excellent selection of relevant and credible sources. High-level referencing skills, consistently applied.

Outstanding knowledge of research-informed literature embedded in the work.

Outstanding selection of relevant and credible sources. High-level referencing skills consistently and professionally applied.

Knowledge and Understanding of Subject

Extent of knowledge and understanding of concepts and underlying principles associated.

Major gaps in knowledge and understanding of material at this level.

Substantial inaccuracies.

Gaps in knowledge, with onlysuperficial understanding. Somesignificant inaccuracies.

Evidence of basic knowledge and understanding of the relevant concepts and underlying principles.

Knowledge is accurate with a good understanding of the field of study.

Knowledge is extensive.  Exhibits understanding of the breadth and depth of established views.

Excellent knowledge and understanding of the main concepts and key theories. Clear awareness of challenges to established views and the limitations of the knowledge base.

Highly detailed knowledge and understanding of the main theories/concepts, and a critical awareness of the ambiguities and limitations of knowledge.


Analysis, evaluation and synthesis; logic, argument and judgement; analytical reflection; organisation of ideas and evidence.

Unsubstantiated generalisations made without use of any credible evidence. Lack of logic, leading to unsupportable/ missing conclusions. Lack of any attempt to analyse, synthesise or evaluate.

Some evidence of analytical intellectual skills, but for the most part descriptive. Ideas/findings sometimes illogical and contradictory. Generalised statements made with scant evidence. Conclusions lack relevance.

Evidence of some logical, analytical thinking and some attempts to synthesise, albeit with some weaknesses.

Some relevant conclusions and recommendations, where relevant.

Evidence of some logical, analytical thinking and synthesis. Can analyse new and/or abstract data and situations without guidance.

Valid conclusions and recommendations, where relevant

Sound, logical, analytical thinking; synthesis and evaluation. Ability to devise and sustain persuasive arguments, and to review the reliability, validity & significance of evidence. Ability to communicate ideas and evidence accurately and convincingly.Sound, convincing conclusions / recommendations.

Thoroughlylogical work supported by evaluated evidence. High quality analysis developed independently or through effective collaboration.

Ability to investigate contradictory information and identify reasons for contradictions. Strong, persuasive, conclusions, justifiable recommendations.

Exceptional work; judiciously selected and evaluated evidence. Very high-quality analysis developed independently or through effective collaboration.

Ability to investigate contradictory information and identify reasons for contradictions.

Highly persuasive conclusions

Skills for Professional Practice

Demonstrates attributes expected in professional practice. Clarity and effectiveness in presentation and organisation.

Communication media is inappropriate or misapplied.

Work is poorly structured and/or largely incoherent.

Media is poorly designed and/or not suitable for the audience.

Work lacks structure, organisation, and/or coherence

Can communicate in a suitable format but with some room for improvement. 

Work lacks coherence in places and could be better structured.

Can communicate effectively in a suitable format but may have minor errors.

Mostly coherent work and is in a suitable structure.

Can communicate well, confidently and consistently in a suitable format.

Work is coherent and fluent and is well structured and organised.

Can communicate professionally and, confidently in a suitable format.

Work is coherent, very fluent and is presented professionally.

Can communicate with an exceptionally high level of professionalism.

Work is exceptionally coherent, very fluent and is presented professionally.

100% Plagiarism Free & Custom Written, Tailored to your instructions