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Understand the key features of effective working relationships with colleagues, client’s agencies and suppliers

Post Date: 16 - Aug - 2023

Unit7:  CollaborativeWorkingwithinMarketingCommunications (Advertising)

Unit code: R/504/3082 
QCF level: 4
Credit value:4
Guided learning hours: 30
Unit aim
This unit aims  to help learners  to  understand how to work collaboratively in advertising.  The unit focus on media professionals communicate how and how to use  this to advantage.
Competency unit assessment guidance
This unit should be assessed predominantly in  the workplace. Please see AnnexeE. Observation, witness testimony, questioning,  professional discussion, written and product evidence are all sources of  evidence  which  can  be  used.

Unit introduction

  • Working collaborativelyand maintaining goodworking relationships are vital foran advertising professional to succeed in their career and deliver consistentlyhigh-quality work.
  • In this unit learners will learnhow to develop and maintain good workingrelationships and collaborate with their clients and other businesses such asagencies and suppliers.They will recognise key features ofeffective workingrelationships,how towork with other organisations andthe importanceofrecognising roles and responsibilities.
  • Learners will learn about how tobehave tocreate a goodworking environmentandworkingwith other functions or organisations.They will also be able todemonstrate their ability todevelop effectiveworking relationships, withcolleagues, clients, agencies and suppliers. Learners willevaluate theeffectiveness of their working relationships and identify areas for improvement.

Learning outcomesand assessment criteria

In order to pass this unit, the evidencethat thelearnerpresents for assessmentneeds to demonstrate that they can meetall the learning outcomes for the unit.The assessment criteria determine the standard required to achieve the unit.

On completionof thisunit a learner should:


Assessment criteria

1    Understandthe key features ofeffective working relationshipswith colleagues, clientsagenciesand suppliers

1.1    Describe ways ofcommunicating with colleagues,clients, agencies and suppliers

1.2    Explain how to identify agenciesand suppliers that would helpown organisation to achieve itsaims and objectives.

1.3    Clarify howto agree a commonsense of purpose withcolleagues, clients, agenciesand/orsuppliers

1.4    Explaintheimportanceofrecognising and respecting theroles, responsibilities,andinterestsof others

1.5    Explain theeffect that owndeadlines and quality of workcan have on others

2    Understandhowto developeffective working relationshipswith colleagues, agencies andsuppliers

2.1    Summarise different businessfunctions in the organisationand their role in achieving theorganisations vision and aims

2.2    Summarise how to create anenvironment of trust andmutual respect with colleagues,clients, agencies and/orsuppliers

2.3    Explaintheimportanceofevaluating working relationships



Assessment criteria

3    Be able to develop effectiveworking relationships withcolleagues, agencies and/orsuppliers

3.1    Clarify the purpose of a workingrelationship

3.2    Describe the roles andresponsibilities of differentagencies and/or suppliersinvolved

3.3    Establish working relationshipswith colleagues, clients,agencies and/or supplierscarrying out current workactivities

3.4    Brief colleagues, clients,agenciesand/or suppliers onown an organisationsrequirements and/orconcerns

3.5    Identify information that needsto be shared, the reasonsforthis and how tomaintainsecurity of information

3.6    Identify any issuesandimplement actions to addressthem with the individualsinvolved

3.7    Fulfil agreements made withcolleagues, agencies and/orsuppliers

3.8    Inform colleagues, clients,agencies and/or supplierspromptly of any difficulties withcarrying out agreed actions andnegotiate and agree alternativeaction withthem

4    Be able to evaluate theeffectiveness of relationships

4.1    Discussthe effectiveness ofworking relationships withothers

4.2    Use feedback to identifyareasfor improvement







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