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Use imaging software tools to create, manipulate and edit images

Post Date: 16 - Aug - 2023

Unit 20:

Imaging software

Unit code: R/502/4614
QCF level: 3
Credit value: 5
Guided learning hours: 40

Unit aim

The aim of this unit is to give learners with the skills and knowledge needed to professionally plan, prepare and apply images in a range of vocational advertising contexts.

Competency unit assessment guidance

This unit should be assessed predominantly in the workplace. Please see Annexe E. Observation, witness testimony, questioning, professional discussion, written and product evidence are all sources of evidence which can be used.

Unit introduction

In this unit learners will initially demonstrate their ability to obtain, insert and combining appropriate imagery. From this, learners will learn to apply a range of technical skills to create, manipulate and edit their chosen imagery for website design, digital publishing, motion graphics or a print-based context.

A key component of this unit will be the learner’s ability to reflect on each significant stage of the planning and image production process. This includes demonstrating, in the final outcome, the ability to identify and respond to any quality issues that impair communication of a message.

Awareness and understanding of copyright law is an important part of this unit as this has significant implications for further stages of the project’s development and production.

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria

In order to pass this unit, the evidence that the learner presents for assessment needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria determine the standard required to achieve the unit.

On completion of this unit a learner should:


Assessment criteria

1    Obtain, insert and combineinformation for images

1.1    Explainwhat imagesareneeded

1.2    Explain how the context affectsthe way imagesshould beprepared

1.3    Provide guidance on what andhow any copyright or otherconstraintsmay apply to theuse of ownand others’ images

1.4    Obtain, insertand prepareimages

1.5    Explain how file formataffectsimage quality, format and sizeandhowto choose appropriateformats forsavings images

1.6    Use appropriatetechniques toorganise and combineinformation of differenttypes orfrom different sources

1.7    Store and retrieve fileseffectively, in line withguidelines and conventionswhere available

2    Use imaging software tools tocreate, manipulate andeditimages

2.1    Explainwhat technical factorsaffecting images need to betaken intoaccount and howtodo so

2.2    Selectand use suitable toolsand techniques efficiently tocreate images

2.3    Use guide lines anddimensioning toolsappropriately to enhanceprecision

2.4    Select anduse appropriate toolsand techniques to manipulateand edit images

2.5    Check imagesmeet needs,using IT tools and makingcorrections as necessary



Assessment criteria


2.6  Identify and respondappropriatelyto qualityproblems to ensurethat imagesare fit for purpose andmeetneeds

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